Thursday, March 16, 2006

Golden Retriever Recipe for a Perfect Day

(16 things Mom could learn from me!)

Each day should consist of:
  1. Leisurely waking.
  2. A good stretch upon rising.
  3. Smooching and lovey dovey time, a-plenty.
  4. Two good, filling and timely meals (and maybe a snack or two in between).
  5. Lots of cool fresh water.
  6. Persnickety attention to the calls of nature. (hey... I can hold it forever, but when I go, I want to go in just the right place).
  7. Lots of talking and a little singing.
  8. Answering to the joy in your heart, however it may lead you.
  9. Work a little and play a LOT.
  10. A couple of nice peaceful naps, preferably in a dark room or even in a sunny window sill.
  11. Curiosity and challenge, obsessing over neither, and dropping both for a run at the food bowl or the chance to smooch.
  12. Wallowing and snorting. In fact, nothing's better than a good wet sneeze!
  13. A little time (a very little time) spent on grooming.
  14. A little running, a little television, a little window watching and a little barking.
  15. A bone-deep sigh upon retiring for the night.
  16. Peaceful slumber lying as close as possible to the one you love the most.

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